Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Norms And Stereotypes Gendered Identities - 1167 Words

Background  ¨Gender norms and stereotypes reinforce gendered identities and constrain the behaviour of women and men in ways that lead to inequality. ¨ Some factors lead to discrimination such as â€Å"a lack of legal rights and very little independence from their husbands, to being thought to have inferior brains.† Lack of education available or allowed to women has stemmed from the lack of respect and mistreatment of young girls and women in the Middle East, Africa and the Asian Pacific. Raden Ajeng Kartini was the national heroine for women’s rights in Indonesia, and made the womenÅ› place is in the home appears to be no longer valid. She opened the first native school for girls in Indonesia that did not discriminate based on social status. Raden also protested the gender inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied women the freedom to pursue an education. Original thoughts of women caused discrimination and the lack of girls i n or completing school. This can lead to many other problems such as poverty, unemployment, lack of education/literacy, lack of respect/job opportunities for women. Discrimination against women leads to violence against them as well with a one in four men admitting to rapping a woman 9 in all of Asian Pacific. Women not becoming educated can lead to gender gaps in pay with these being more prevalent in developing countries. Men being favored in admission to college is higher the lower the GDP as well. InShow MoreRelatedGender Differences And Gender Inequality1717 Words   |  7 Pages Gender differences and gender inequality are sometimes used interchangeably but do not refer to the same thing. The two concepts are common in gender literature; however, they are not uniform across different cultures based on the degree of conservative attitudes present. 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