Thursday, September 3, 2020

Interface Design Examples Search based on Heuristics 3 Assignment

Interface Design Examples Search dependent on Heuristics 3 - Assignment Example The picture underneath shows what the iTunes interface takes a gander at the terms that are utilized are basic clients. The client has the opportunity to pick and move away from the slip-up they may have done. There ought to be route catches like fix that will empower the clients to escape from the slip-ups that they have done. The figure underneath shows word preparing of Apple. Clients ought not be left to think about whether some adjustment in the wording of normal interface implies the utilization of that interface has changed. The shows that are utilized by the stage ought to continue as before. It ought not be changed. The figure in this model shows various words that are utilized in Gmail. The framework should help clients in getting rid of a mistake that may happen if a specific move is made. A model is the Yammer site where the client is to refresh data on the site. After the client has refreshed the data, the catch on the Update page is impaired with the goal that a mistake isn't made in resulting refreshes (Papp 74). The requirement for clients to review ought to be limited however much as could reasonably be expected. The memory of the clients ought to be saved. The clients ought not recall data from the initial segment of the procedure. A model is coding. The client should type ahead when coding and all the data that client needs will spring up. This is normal in Quanta IDE (Papp 82). There ought to be activities that will help during the time spent cooperation between the client and the framework. This ought to be regular for both the fledgling and the accomplished client. The clients ought to be permitted to tailor activities which are visit. A model is an Apple spreadsheet item. It has alternate routes that help clients to get data rapidly. There ought to be acceptable and engaging plan of the site. There ought not be a lot of plan components in the site. Exchange boxes ought not have data which isn't required in the suite. The Kontain

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Pay For an Essay

How to Pay For an EssayThere are a lot of students out there who want to know how to pay for an essay but just don't know where to start. When you first get to college, you have so many classes and so much that you need to learn, you might not have any extra money to spare for essays. This can cause a lot of stress, especially when you don't know what to do with all your free time.The big problem with essays is that when you get a little older, the ability to write them may just start fading away. You may have even stopped thinking about writing things down altogether. But there is still hope!Most students think they can't use a computer and find online sites to help them out. There are many companies online that actually help you pay for essays with their scholarship programs. They even provide essays for low income students and kids that have developmental disabilities.When you look through these sites, you will notice that they give you a free sample of the paper you will be submi tting, as well as doing some basic research work on you before they even get a chance to offer a scholarship to you. You will then need to fill out the simple forms and provide some basic information about yourself and your family. These sites often have great tips and resources available to help you get your essays looking as polished as possible.Once you have gone through the easy part of the process, you should still have a very good paper in hand. The next step will involve editing the paper. Students can get different tools from these websites that allow them to save a specific portion of the essay and re-use it whenever they need to.Editing your essay is very important because of the time constraints. You have to create a concise and understandable essay. Evenif it does not need to be reviewed until after finals, you will still need to make sure that everything is very clear and written correctly.Finally, there are many online college courses that can help you with your essay writing. There are also some great tips available on different blogs and forums that can help you in this process. There are many other places online that offer scholarships as well, so be sure to check them out as well.The truth is that you don't have to pay for an essay. There are many scholarship sites that will help you get one for you, as well as a ton of other scholarships available to you. With the right help, your essay can be done in just a couple of weeks and your application won't even need to be sent in.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ladership Styles and Marketing Planning Strategies

Question: Talk about the Ladership Styles and Marketing Planning Strategies. Answer: Presentation: In this specific task, diverse powerful showcasing key plans and the significance of them is examined. This is done to dispatch and advance the administration or item quality in the market and industry. Promoting plans have vital components. It incorporates a definite and complete statistical surveying, showcase methodology, target advertise, serious investigation, spending plan and situating procedure. The task shows compelling showcasing plan for Saudia, a carriers organization of Saudi Arabia. Showcasing technique has some perspective to the outside condition like financial, political, social and legitimate angles. Saudia isn't well known much comprehensively. To enter in the worldwide market, Saudia needs successful advertising intends to enter in the International market. It might require some investment of hardly any years to infer the compelling showcasing procedure. As the specific is a representative at Abu Dhabi Cultural and Tourism Authority, he has a significant job in ar ranging of promoting technique. Abu Dhabi Cultural and Tourism Authority utilized proficient promoting plans for Tesla, a celebrated vehicle organization in Saudi Arab. Notwithstanding, Saudia has effective potential online life showcasing (Mission, Values Strategies | Saudi Airlines Catering, 2016). If there should arise an occurrence of Saudia, they likewise need to utilize the best possible showcasing technique for consumer loyalty. Taking into account Koh Wong (2015), item or administration promoting arranging ought to have intriguing and restrictive highlights to draw in the clients more. Advertising plans have some essential components. The components of showcasing plan are statistical surveying, the foundation of proficient and viable promoting plan. It gives a thought of a particular industry. Promoting arranging has important systems like center procedure, variety methodology and cost authority technique. In the serious business world, advertising plans have showcasing objectives. Potential advertising plan obviously expresses the crucial, propelling spending plan of the particular assistance or items and the rivals in the market (Luke, 2013).for the successful promoting arranging, a portion of the associations have effective business advertisers and specialists for appropriate showcasing plans. Advertising plans and compelling usage of the plans assists with accomplishing upper hands in go with. In any case, in the event of Saudia, it has different favorable circumstances like partners intrigue, notoriety, guideline and wellbeing society to make great help and approaches and client maintenance technique (Bukhari, Ghoneim Dennis, 2012). Saudia has focused via web-based networking media showcasing to draw in the clients in the most straightforward way. Promoting arranging system has some key obligations like new item advancement after the assortment of pertinent criticism of the clients and to keep up a solid client relationship (Almutairi, 2013). Advertising arranging procedure has likewise worry with the evaluating and furthermore trades the citation of valuing. Saudia makes them advertise blend technique to accomplish most extreme benefit and notoriety in global market. Saudia has vital showcasing arranging of HR. It plainly presents upper hands of Saudia in succinct manne r. Showcasing plan of Saudia incorporates extended dispersion channels to expand the open doors for pulling in the clients. Elmorchid et al. (2013) discovered that advancement thought is an important advertising blend component. It includes various perspectives like coordinates showcasing, publicizing and deals advancement. Saudia has consolidated new advancements in their carriers to pick up the best situation in the aircrafts business. Saudia has exceptional situation to underwrite the development openings because of the viable promoting plans (Luke, 2013). Saudia has promoting blend technique that controls the segments of showcasing blend altogether. Saudia actualized various systems effectively for accomplishing showcasing blend technique. In any case, they have solid administration the executives, which make them solid to actualize the techniques. Saudia endures executing the showcasing blend to help potential extension and market entrance in abroad markets. The systems of showcasing arranging must adjust the efficiency to the prerequisites of the clients. The administration of Saudia has recognized another market that is totally unique to dispatch and advance their administrations. Advertisers of Saudia have concentrated on focusing on, situating procedure and division to choose the focused on clients for the travel industry. Saudia makes them showcase experts, who have built up the radio publicizing and conventional print. References Almutairi, D. O. (2013). The connection between administration styles and authoritative duty: A test on Saudi Arabian Airline.World Review of Business Research,3(1), 41-51. Bukhari, S., Ghoneim, A., Dennis, C. (2012). Understanding The Factors That Attract Travelers To Buy Airline Tickets Online in Saudi Arabia. InEuropean, Mediterranean Middle Eastern Conference on Information System(pp. 619-628). Elmorchid, B., Samy, N., Sekkat, K., Squalli, J. (2013). Bedouin travelers aircrafts system and execution: A cross nations analysis.Middle East Development Journal,5(2), 1350010-1. Koh, A. C., Wong, J. K. (2015). The Impact of International Marketing Research on Export Marketing Strategy: An Empirical Investigation. InProceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 172-175). Springer International Publishing. Luke, K. (2013) 5 stages to another promoting plan, Journal of Financial Planning, 26 (12), pp. 20-21. Crucial, Strategies | Saudi Airlines Catering. (2016). Recovered 10 December 2016, from

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” - Free Essay Example

One of the most intriguing topics of discussion among people, especially among Christians, is the issue of the entities of Heaven and Hell. Many books and essays have been written by a multitude of authors attempting to explain the supernatural concepts of Heaven and Hell in human terms. Among these many literary works, one particular essay stands out as being informative, yet direct in the style of writing. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell† is the product of William Blake, who was born on November 28, 1757 in London, England He devoted his life to writing, and many would consider William Blake to be more than just an author; instead many consider him a prophetic writer. â€Å"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell† is a metaphorical essay more than an allegorical essay over the topic of the supernatural realms, Heaven and Hell. The whole of the essay is written as an in-depth response to one of Blake’s colleagues, Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish scientist and philosopher, and as an argument against organized religion. The essay opens with William Blake introducing the main character, Rintrah, who many believe is a metaphor for or a parallel of Blake himself. Also, many literary critics view Rintrah as the spirit of revolutionary power and as a possible personification of the just will of the Prophet. Using the title as a context clue, the reader, based off of the lines, â€Å"shakes his fires in the burden’d air; hungry clouds swag on the deep† can extrapolate the setting of beginning part of the essay as Hell. To understand the essay as a whole, the reader must breakdown and analyze the two lines, â€Å"Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence. † The first line, â€Å"Without Contraries is no progression,† has enormous meaning; in simple words this line can be rephrased, â€Å"Without disagreement humanity cannot progress. â⠂¬  This idea of competition creating â€Å"good† or progress is a Biblical concept. In Proverbs 27:17, David writes, †Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. † Therefore, competition and opposing viewpoints are not only just a fact of humanity, but are essential for humanity to progress in a positive manner. The second line is a descriptive reiteration of the first line. The action words, such as attraction and repulsion, and love and hate, Blake utilizes as a way to describe how humans interact with each other in opposing manners, which ultimately allows humanity to progress. Another task accomplished by these two lines is they sum up Blake’s argument against organized religion. William Blake sees organized religion as detriment to humanity. He sees organized religion as being opposed to the one thing that allows humanity to grow in a positive way, competition. Blake sees organized religion as an entity that is blind to a concept that coul d be beneficial to religion as a whole, which would ultimately lead to more people hearing the message of Jesus Christ. The essay, â€Å"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,† though â€Å"to-the-point,† in literary style, there is an enormous amount of depth to every part of the essay. As the main character travels throughout Hell, he experiences several different emotions such as anger and resentment. In addition, the main character sees several scenes during his journey through Hell; including, seeing the abyss of Hell and how evil spirits actually research and study humans. Then, William Blake continues on and writes about the main character’s experience during his journey through Heaven. Throughout his entire experience, both in Heaven and Hell, the main character sees how the different beings in their respective supernatural realms interact with each other and with human beings. Altogether this essay by William Blake does an excellent job of providing the re ader with a seemingly prophetic insight into Heaven and Hell and how the two realms interact.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

In Comparing Dylan Thomas And Elizabeth Bishop’S Meditation

In comparing Dylan Thomas and Elizabeth Bishop’s meditation on the relevance of the poet, it is pertinent to use a sequential analysis of the two poems hereby discussed. Bishop’s â€Å"One Art† may be the result of a careful development of Thomas’ â€Å"Do not Go to Gentle Into That Good Night,† in which she explores her capacity to critique a poet’s speaker with a subtlety that scholars and students may find almost impossible to decipher. In this rather experimental essay, layers of her expertism are expounded through the deceptive figure of the mother whose mention is covertly present. For example, line 10 is a particular place in â€Å"One Art† by Elizabeth Bishop in which we are exposed to the most important figure in the piece. Though it seems†¦show more content†¦They both mourn the loss of a paternal figure. â€Å"One Art† divides into two equal parts. In the first three stanzas, the speaker addresses her audience, and in the last three she speaks of her by using the pronoun â€Å"I†. It navigates from the general to the personal making the verses progress to a level in which the reader learns about the speaker’s biography: at least a few important events in her life, that is, her mother’s watch to her significant other. This mirror symmetry reflects the separation between you and I; the former serves a fellow or student, the latter as master or expert. Hence, the poet’s expertise is in the modeling, not so in the preaching. These examples, demonstrate that she is ethically fit to teach you, the reader, about the art of losing. In other word, the proof is in the puddling; the only way of learning is by trying, â€Å"Then practice losing farther and losing faster† (7). This is the way the poet shows us her talent. She vehemently expounds on every significant misfortune. As Lloyd Schwartz indicates: â€Å"at the approximate half-way point in the poem, the expert presents us with her credential, the list of losses. Each succeeding item increase in magnitude† (Schwartz 150). Henceforth, the second half of the poem, is more about the poet’s authority to speak up for the reader and to lecture on the art of losing. Being a poet is a profession that requires practice and mastery, which undoubtedly,Show MoreRelatedThe Hidden Mother Of Bishop s One Art2021 Words   |  9 PagesThe Hidden Mother in Bishop’s â€Å"One Art† In comparing Dylan Thomas and Elizabeth Bishop’s meditation on the relevance of the poet, it is pertinent to use a sequential analysis of the two poems hereby discussed. Bishop’s â€Å"One Art† is the result of a careful development of Thomas’ â€Å"Do not Go to Gentle Into That Good Night,† in which she explores her capacity to critique a poet’s speaker with a subtlety that scholars and students may find almost impossible to decipher. In this, rather experimental essay

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Norms And Stereotypes Gendered Identities - 1167 Words

Background  ¨Gender norms and stereotypes reinforce gendered identities and constrain the behaviour of women and men in ways that lead to inequality. ¨ Some factors lead to discrimination such as â€Å"a lack of legal rights and very little independence from their husbands, to being thought to have inferior brains.† Lack of education available or allowed to women has stemmed from the lack of respect and mistreatment of young girls and women in the Middle East, Africa and the Asian Pacific. Raden Ajeng Kartini was the national heroine for women’s rights in Indonesia, and made the womenÅ› place is in the home appears to be no longer valid. She opened the first native school for girls in Indonesia that did not discriminate based on social status. Raden also protested the gender inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied women the freedom to pursue an education. Original thoughts of women caused discrimination and the lack of girls i n or completing school. This can lead to many other problems such as poverty, unemployment, lack of education/literacy, lack of respect/job opportunities for women. Discrimination against women leads to violence against them as well with a one in four men admitting to rapping a woman 9 in all of Asian Pacific. Women not becoming educated can lead to gender gaps in pay with these being more prevalent in developing countries. Men being favored in admission to college is higher the lower the GDP as well. InShow MoreRelatedGender Differences And Gender Inequality1717 Words   |  7 Pages Gender differences and gender inequality are sometimes used interchangeably but do not refer to the same thing. The two concepts are common in gender literature; however, they are not uniform across different cultures based on the degree of conservative attitudes present. 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Gender roles are the â€Å"attitudes, behavior, and activities that are socially defined as appropriateRead MoreParental Influence On Gender Roles1179 Words   |  5 Pages120 – Fall 2017 October 8, 2017 Parental Influence on Gender Roles in Children A person s gender identity is a multi-faceted social construct that is defined as a person s sense of being male or female in various combinations; gender roles are then defined as behaviors learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms. From the moment of birth when a parent hears their baby s gender an identity has begun to form. When we meet a new person, we are instantlyRead MoreThe Separation Of The Human Experience Essay1590 Words   |  7 PagesSociety is quick to label, quick to decide who people are before they’ve gotten the chance to discover it for themselves. As soon as one is born, they are assigned a gender. â€Å"It’s a boy!† or â€Å"It’s a girl!†, they don’t make any other balloons or cards. The habit humans have of dividing things into twos applies not only to the world around them, but is at work intrinsically as well. As with many of such partitions, the separation of people into males and females runs very deep. It is ingrained sociallyRead MoreEffect Of Gender And Gender Representation On Media1735 Words   |  7 PagesThe effect of gender and gender representation in media has been widely researched in various academic disciplines, including anthropology and communication studies. Similar gender role expectations are not just restricted to Western culture either. A study on gender representation in East Asian advertising by Michael Prieler is a demonstration of the influence of gendered communication. The research examines the male and female representation in the advertising of East Asian countries like HongRead MoreThe Theory Of Equality And Gender Roles1176 Words   |  5 Pages either way it continues. One could be aware of the characteristics and factors of identity that enables others to treat another differently by analyzing the aspects of society through race, religion, language, sexual orientation, economic status and also the level of education. The theory of equality is somewhat understandable, but what about the female population? Where is their equality in this society? Gender roles are based on the different expectations that individuals, groups, and societiesRead MoreHow Food Can Create A Cultural, Social And Economic Identity Essay1568 Words   |  7 Pagesrepresentations of how we should live our life. This essay will attempt to prove how food can create a cultural, social and economic identity and explore the gendered relationships to food from a variety of feminist perspectives. To demonstrate this I will draw examples from popular culture such as analyzing advertisements and films in which will help us to understand cultural norms and how historical societal structures of food can be relevant to our own lives. We will focus on the meanings and representationsRead MoreGender Socialization And Social Control1508 Words   |  7 Pageslarge, gender socialization is a major contributor to identity and self- concept. Gender therefore becomes a characteristic that defines other’s perceptions and evaluations of us. People come to manage gend er along with aspects of other aspects of the self by making sure that we are acting in gender-appropriate way (Goffman, 1959, Libby). In itself, the self is a product of social forces and it emerges through socialization. Being that gender is a major function of one’s identity, stereotypes aboutRead MoreFrom The Moment Children Are Born They Are Instantly Assigned1611 Words   |  7 PagesFrom the moment children are born they are instantly assigned the gender that society considers appropriate, this can usually be characterized by the pink or blue clothes they are given. The immediate separation of gender emphasizes the importance of dividing gender and keeping strict constructs in our society. So when a man or woman diverges from how they are expected to act, they are seen as outcasts that need to be molded into what is acceptable in society’s eyes. In her book, An Introduction

Chronic Alcohol Disrupts Dopamine †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Chronic Alcohol Disrupts Dopamine. Answer: Introduction: Signs and symptoms of severe depressive episodes: David Wilson, a 38 year old man working as a mechanical fitter for mining company has been diagnosed with Major Depression (ICD10 diagnosis F32.2 severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms). In the category of depressive episodes, his condition comes under F32.2. A severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms is one where symptoms like fatigue, tiredness, lowering of mood, decreased concentration, low capacity for enjoyment, decreased appetite and sleep disturbance are present at extreme level and patient develop distressing experiences in life. In patients with F32.2 severe depressive episodes, the continuous presence of such symptoms results in loss of self-esteem and feeling of worthlessness (ICD-10 Version: 2016, 2017). This was also seen in case of David, as his performance at workplace decreased due to poor concentration and he kept ruminating over negative events resulting in poor self-esteem. Such patients ge nerally have suicidal feelings and somatic symptoms like unusual waking hours, weight loss, loss of appetite, psychomotor and loss of libido. As majority of these symptoms were present in Mr. David Wilson, he has been diagnosed with Major Depression. Pathophysiology of depression: The difficulty faced by Mr. David Wilson is clearly an indication of severe depression. Major depressive disorder is medical condition in which feeling, thinking and activities of a person is negatively affected. This leads to feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities, guilty feeling, loss of energy, change in appetite and sleeping patterns and difficulty in concentration. People may experience single or multiple episodes of depression. The examination of neurobiological theories elucidating the pathophysiology of depression suggest that depletion of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system results is the underlying factor behind the pathophysiology of depression (Hasler, 2010). While considering the pathophysiology behind the condition, it can be said that neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals plays a major role in depression. Sperner-Unterweger, Kohl, Fuchs, (2014) has shown that changes in function of neurotransmitters affect their interaction with neurocircuits and this in turns results in development of depression as neurocircuits are mainly involved in maintaining mood stability. Hence, mood stability is severely affected by the biological changes in neurotransmitters. Links has been found between inflammatory pathways and neurocircuits in the brain as the mechanism of interactions of the immune system with the neurotransmitters and neurocircuits affects the risk for depression. The activation of inflammasome results in release of stress induced inflammatory signals such as increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The inflammatory cytokines consequently has an impact on monoamines, noradrenaline and dopamine. Neurotransmission plays a role in mood regulation and through several mechanism, inflammatory cytokines reduces the availability of monoamines which contributes to the pathophysiology of depression. In case of dopamine, they play a role in motivation and motor activity and cytokines decreases the release of dopamine leading to poor mood and depression (Miller Raison, 2016). Hence, activation of inflammasome leads to release of inflammatory cytokines and this affects the function of neurotransmitters and neurocircuits resulting to unsuitable behavior in affected person. There is ambiguous evidence on the specific causes of depression. However, a combination of biological factors as well as environmental stressors might play a role in the onset and diagnosis of depression (Uher, 2014).. While reviewing the case of David Wilson, it has been found that his mother, Michelle, 69 years old had a history of depression and currently she was also suffering from early onset of Alzheimers dementia. This is an indication that David may have hereditary links to depression as blood relatives with history of depression are known to increase the risk of developing depression. Research has shown that genetics has a role in the development of depression and as it mainly runs in families, it is highly regarded as hereditary (Flint Kendler, 2014). In case of David, his mother has been found to have a history of depression and in such case he is 1.5 to three times more likely to suffer from the condition. Hence, hereditary factors may have contributed to Davids depress ion. Other biological factors that might be the cause of depression in David include the abnormal brain structure and brain chemistry. For instance, the parts of brain involved in regulating mood, thinking and behavior might be affected and the imbalance in neurotransmitters leads to the progression of depression (Kemp, Lickel Deacon, 2014). Due to such imbalance, David might be suffering from low moods and other symptoms of depression. As David has been working as a mechanical fitter on the Pilmara mines since the last 7 years, it is also possible that his work environment might have increased the risk of depression in him. This is said because research has pointed out that mining industry workers often develops mental health problems like depression and anxiety. The lifestyles, work characteristics and attitudes influences the mental and psychological health and well-being of workers (Liu,Wang, Chen, 2014). Hence, work environment and occupational factors might be cause of depression in David. For patients like David, who is suffering from major depressive disorder, two types of medications can be given to treat him. The first is the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Fluoxetine (Prozac) and this is the first medication which is initially started in patients. However, medications needs to be taken with caution as Prozac may result in common side effects of skin rashes, restlessness, fever as well as severe side effects of anxiety, joint pain, seizures and diarrhea. The main cause side effects in Prozac is that the drug has long half life and this results in slow processing of drugs in the body (Prozac Oral: WebMD 2017). The function of SSRIs is to prevent the serotonin neurotransmitter from being reabsorbed into the nerve cells. This results in lightening of mood effect. Antidepressants are often linked to severe side effects of first time seizures and SSRIs was found to be associated with the worse odds of having first time seizures. This was seen mainly because overdose of the drug and timing of taking medicines (Schloesser et al., 2015). Another medication that can be given to Mr. David Wilson for treating depression is tricyclic antidepressants like Clomipramine (Anafranil) if the above medication does not work on the patient. The drug acts by increasing the level of norepinephrine and serotonins and blocking the action of acetylcholine. This helps to restore the balance in neurotransmitters and it alleviates depressive symptoms in patient. However, the consumption of the medication is associated with many side-effects. Common side effects include dry mouth, fatigue and constipation whereas serious side effects include low blood pressure, seizures and irregular heart rate in patients (Annette (Gbemudu) Ogbru, 2017).The heart rate variability is mostly seen during treatment of patients with tricyclic antidepressants because of dose variability and abrupt discontinuation of drugs. Evidence by van Zyl, Hasegawa Nagata, (2008) also proved that tricyclic antidepressants lead to the increase in heart rate of patients. When Davids employer presented him to the local hospital, he was found in an intoxicated state. His employer also reported that he is not able to work due to increased consumptions of alcohol and poor concentration in work. Increased consumption of alcohol might also be a reason for depressive symptom in patients because alcohol is found to have an impact on adult brain. Evidence has mainly showed that alcohol has damaging effects on the brain. Consumption of alcohol results in blurred vision, impaired memory and slow reaction time. The PET imaging of brains in people with heavy alcohol consumption has indicated that alcohol influences the function of the neurotransmitter system, the brain cell mechanism as well as the blood flow within the brains. The changes in function have been found mainly in frontal lobes which is involved with learning and memory and the cerebellums involved in controlling movements and coordination (Hermens et al., 2013). This discussion clearly explains why alcohol consumption results in impaired memory, difficulty in walking and concentrating. The dependence and overuse of alcohol can also be regarded as a pathway to depression in Mr. David because of its link with neuropsychological impairment. The controlled process of attention and memory and mental flexibility of student is affected by the overuse of alcohol. Alcohol has been found to influence neurotransmitter pathway too as evidence has shown that it activates neuro-immune signaling and persistent neuoroimmune-gene induction leads to continuous neurodegeneration and loss of behavioral flexibility in person (Crews et al., 2015). This has been also support by another research study which has explained that the effect of alcohol on disrupting dopamine receptor activity. The dopamine receptors in the medial prefrontal cortex control the cognition process by balancing the excitatory and inhibitory transmission. The impact of alcohol on dopamine mediated neurotransmission in rats has shown that behavioral flexibility decreased in rats with alcohol exposure. This confirms that cognitive function is seriously affected by alcohol exposure due to its impact on dopamine receptor signaling (Trantham-Davidson et al., 2014). For this reason, cognitive disruption has been seen in David as he has isolated him from others and shows poor concentration. Pathophysiology of alcohol withdrawal: During admission to the hospital, David came in an intoxicated state. While staying at the hospital, he is likely to go into alcohol withdrawal state. Going into the phase of sudden reduction in alcohol use following a period of excessive consumption may result in alcohol withdrawal symptoms like vomiting, fever, and increase in heart rate, anxiety and shakiness. In severe cases, people may also suffer from seizures (Mirijello et al., 2015). In case of people consuming excess alcohol, ethanol interacts with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptor and the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Ethanol targets GABA type A leading to the downregulation of GABA type A receptors. However, in contrast to the stimulation of GABA type A receptor, ethanol inhibits function of NMDA receptor and causes compensatory upregulation of NMDA receptor. Hence, adaptive mechanism in neurotransmitter-receptor interaction promotes development of alcohol toleran ce in people. In case of alcohol withdrawal in the alcohol-dependent patient, sudden reduction in alcohol use results in imbalance between the GABA receptor Type A function and the NMDA receptor. Due to the decrease in the alcohol level in blood, the inhibitory activity of GABA is reduced and symptoms of hallucination seizures, tremors and hyperactivity is seen in affected person (Yanta, Swartzentruber, Pizon, 2015). The severity of symptoms in alcohol withdrawal increases because of kindling phenomena. This is a process where low electrical stimulus leads to changes in behavioral response and symptoms of seizures. Evidence proves that this phenomena deteriorates the withdrawal symptoms (Mainerova et al., 2015). In patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, many mild to severe symptoms can be seen which can be mistaken for other clinical condition. It is critical that nurses effectively manage alcohol withdrawal patients in hospital setting. Common withdrawal symptoms may include nausea, vomiting and insomnia, whereas severe symptoms include hallucination, disorientation and agitation. While caring for alcohol withdrawal patients, the nurse must understand the time at which the symptoms manifest in patients and the time at which the symptoms must terminate. Alcohol withdrawal patients are often very agitate and they show behaviors of violent outburst and verbal abuse. In such situation, the nurse needs to prioritize patient safety and injury. As family members are going to face problem due to abusive behavior of patient, the role of nurse is to educate family members regarding withdrawal symptoms and being empathetic and non-judgmental with patient during this period. Providing relaxing envi ronment to patient is also important (Mirijello et al., 2015). The nurse must also take caution while interacting with patients and if they become extremely aggressive, then visitors or nurse must stay away from them. Observing facial signs and body language of patient can also support a nurse in keeping patient calm and compliant with treatment process. In case of severe withdrawal symptoms, nurse can also provide medications like Benzodiazepines to control agitation and treat such behavior of patients. Meeting their nutritional needs will also be important in such situation (Jarvis Blad, 2010). Biological link between alcohol and depression Mr. David Wilson has been diagnosed with Major Depression and considering the impact of alcohol on neurotransmitter pathways, it can said that his condition has deteriorate even more by excessive use of alcohol. This explanation points out to the facts that there is biological link between alcohol and depression. This link is described in detail by the use of different biological factors which are as follows: Genetics: The study by Mayfield, Harris Schuckit, (2008) gives the implication that alcohol abuse and alcohol independence has relation with genetics and gene expression. For instance, genetic predisposition and genes increase the impaired controls towards many behavior such as alcohol use or drug use. This is also proved by the facts that relatives of alcoholics and twins of alcohol dependent person have fourfold higher risk of alcohol dependence. Secondly, specific genes like GABA A receptor, alpha 2 gene on chromosome 4 has been found to influence phenotypes of impulsivity and disinhibition (Dick et al., 2008). A study investigating about genetic relationship between alcoholism and depression has shown that combination of both alcoholism and depression run in families and this is most common in first degree relatives. The study showed that both alcoholism and depression were linked to specific chromosome region of chromosome 1. Hence, genes present on this region may predispose o r increase risk of alcoholism and depression in different people. The importance of the research was that it reinforced the idea that heavy drinkers are genetically vulnerable to depression and antidepressant treatment on alcoholic depressed patients improves both depression as well as alcohol consumption symptoms (Nurnberger et al., 2002). Changes in neurotransmitter pathways: The biological link between alcohol and depression is also proved in many research as both the condition has been found to lead to changes in neurotransmitter pathways. This is also evident from the above discussion regarding the pathophysiology of depression and alcohol withdrawal. A recent study highlighted the fact that various neurotransmitters are involved in the pathway towards alcohol addiction. This is said because alcohol exposure has an impact on function and balance of various neurotransmitters in the brain (Banerjee, 2014). Many studies done in patients with alcohol dependence has shown that the brains neurobiology is permanently changed by effect of alcohol. Alcohol has been found to particularly influence many neurobiological pathways like dopaminergic, GABA, serotoninergic and glutamate pathway (Yanta, Swartzentruber, Pizon, 2015). Alcohol interact with these transmitters and produce reinforcing affects resultsing in changes in ne uronal function and development of alcoholism. The research by Zuo et al., (2017) investigated particularly about the effect of ethanol on dopamine and glutamate receptors. The study gave the insight that ethanol stimulates the release of presynaptic glutamate mediated by the activation of dopamine subtype receptors and the cAMP dependent metabolic pathways. Hence, this evidence is useful to manipulate glutamate receptor while planning treatment of alcohol abuse. The impact of alcohol and depression on neurotransmitter pathway is again understood from the research by Heberlein et al., (2014) and this again established the biological link between alcohol and depression. Both depression and alcoholism are associated with morbidity, impact on quality of living and mortality. While discussing the physiological impact of alcoholism and depressions, the researcher showed that chronic alcohol consumption reduces the availability of dopamine and influences mood and memory of affected person Similarly, Yin et al., (2016) showed changes in GABA and neurotransmitter system resulting in suicide behavior and major depressive order. Both GABA and glutamate are major inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters and they are associated with suicidal behavior and major depressive disorder too. They have the capability to changes the normal function of brain in the area of cognition, mood regulation, memory and learning. This is reason for manifestation of symp toms like poor concentration, low esteem, feelings of guilt and social isolation. As GABA affects the concentration of monoamines in brain which reduced stress, this mechanism is often exploited for the delivery antidepressant therapy too. Hence, biological link between alcoholism and depression is proved through the changes in neurotransmitter system. Brain dysfunction: Alcoholism and depression is also found to have association with brain and neurobehavioral functions. For instance, excessive alcohol use has been found to lead to brain damage and this has been mainly proved by neuro-imaging studies in animals or deceased patients. The alcohol related brain damage is also affected by age, history of drinking and risk to specific regions of brain. The regions that are most likely to be damaged by alcohol exposure includes neurotransmitter system, entire brain, frontal lobe system, limbic system, thalamus and hypothalamus (Shokri-Kojori et al., 2016). The study regarding brain development in heavy drinking adolescents have also showed that trajectory of normal brain development is altered due to excessive consumption of alcohol. The specific brain region that is affected includes regional cortical volumes and white matter structures. The longitudinal analysis of brain structure in adolescents mainly showed heavy decline in frontal a nd temporal cortical volumes (Squeglia et al., 2015). Just like the connection between brain damage and alcoholism, the connection between depression and brain dysfunction has also been established. The biological link is close because alcoholism itself is known trigger depression and deteriorates symptoms of depression. 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